Self-Care Options
Going for a walk/exercising
Taking a bubble bath
Talking with friends
Reading a book
Laying in the sun
Enjoying nature
Spending time with family
Playing board games
Being creative: painting, coloring, wood working, photography, etc.
Doing yoga
Spending time with an animal or a pet
Baking or cooking
Listening to music
Playing an instrument
Sitting in a rocking chair
Getting a manicure and/or pedicure
Riding a bike
Going for a hike in the woods
Eating ice cream
Being in water: swimming, river walking, going in a hot tub, etc.
Playing a sport: basketball, tennis, golf, etc.
Being active: go to the gym, cross fit, rock climbing, etc.
Doing a puzzle
Watching a movie or favorite comedian
Dancing to fun music
Going to a coffee shop
Watching your favorite TV show or movie
Playing a video game
Lighting a candle while relaxing in your favorite chair
Getting a massage or facial